My previous posts have highlighted wonderful opportunities to study mosaic art abroad. This post, however, falls a little closer to home.
I’ve been creating mosaic artwork for the past nine years. It’s been a fantastic, rewarding sojourn, yet I’ve had the nagging feeling that there’s something more I’m supposed to do; a “next step” in this journey.
After much brainstorming, planning, and informal branding sessions with patient friends and family, I’ve made the commitment to launch my new hobby-business! I’ve given this endeavor the moniker “off the grid”. The name is a nod to my past life living in the bustling city of Houston, Texas and working completely “on the grid” as an engineer. As you check out my logo, though, you’ll notice it includes a skewed orange block. To me, that orange block represents my retirement from corporate life to the more artistic pursuits I now enjoy “nestled amongst the live oaks of a ranch in Central Texas”.
My goal with otg is to continue to have fun in my studio and to use the proceeds from sales to fund non-profit charities in our community. My current non-profit “favs” include St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church (the parish is working to pay down debt associated with its new worship space), the Helping Center food pantry, and the Boys and Girls Club; all located in Marble Falls.
I’m excited to participate for the first time in the Creative Arts Fair in Marble Falls on July 15th. I’ll be showing items of fine art, jewelry, and other “smalls”. My goal for the show? --- to raise a minimum of $500 for charity. My charity choice for the show is St. John’s Church, where the event will take place. Please join me and other artists in Central Texas to make this show a success!
Post Script: Thank you, mosaic art lovers, for your support at the CAF! I completed six sales and reached my goal of a $500 contribution!